Registration is open for the next webinar where Jacque Salomon (co-founder of Seeds to Inspire Foundation) has been invited to present by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (To read more about the first webinar, check out our last blog post about it here.)
This upcoming webinar also has an Environmental Justice focus and has been developed specifically for Tribes and Indigenous Peoples.
Please join us for —
When: Thursday, February 16, 2023
2:30 - 4:00 PM Eastern Time (11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time)
To register, sign up at:
From the event sign-up page:
Tribes have been seeking to reestablish food sovereignty as a way to not only provide healthier and more traditional foods, but to also revitalize traditional food sources and mitigate the effects of potential human-made and natural disasters. COVID certainly raised the level of awareness of how a disaster, in this case a pandemic, can significantly impact and imperil food sources. This webinar will focus on how developing more traditional and healthy food sources in and for tribal and indigenous communities, reducing food loss, and expanding food markets can be accomplished by tribes, tribal communities, indigenous communities or any interested community to enhance food security.
Marc Anderson, P.E. (Seminole), Consulting Engineer
Jacque Salomon, Seeds to Inspire Foundation
Tom O’Donnell, Land, Chemical and Revitalization Division, Region 3, U.S. EPA-NEWS (National Experienced Workforce Solutions)
Danny Gogal, Tribal and Indigenous Peoples Program Manager, Office of Environmental Justice, U.S. EPA (Facilitator)
For questions about this webinar, please contact Danny Gogal, Office of Environmental Justice, EPA (
We hope this webinar will be helpful to any Indigenous tribe or supporter that is interested in learning more about Food Sovereignty, Healthier Foods, Cultural Practices, and Food Security — and we hope to see some of you there!